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July 1st 70.

Maj. S. N. Clark
Asst Treasurer A.M.A. Chicago Ill.

Dear Sir,
Yours of the 24th & 25th ult. with enclosures arrived. I forward Schedule to-day, with the additions made as requested, and also ten dollars added to the amount. Will attend to the prices of building material soon. If the Pine Bluff house is retained by the Ass'n Mr. Martins plan of enlargement is the only practicable one. I should estimate the cost of the enlargement at $2000 and more if the plastering in the lower rooms should be injured by rain. Elsewhere I give the main points in an interview with Dr. Trimble, the Citie's member of the Pine Bluff Board relative to School house matters.
Very truly yours,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. Ed.

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