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[[margin]] Johnson, Lovejoy [[/margin]]
E. Letter: Forwards school reports for month of March 1866
Helena, Ark  
March 31 1866
(Sgnd) Lovejoy Johnson
Supt. Schools.

[[margin]] Colby. Wm M. [[/margin]]
Respectfully returned with the request that the items, "No. not absent nor tardes" "No. admitted free" "No. hours school is taught daily" "No. in grammer" and "No. in other studies" be added to the report, and that it be
returned without delay. In future please use the blanks which have been and will continue to be furnished from this office, unless otherwise stated

Little Rock, Ark.
April 7th 1866
Wm M. Colby
Gen'l. Sup't. Fr. Schools 

[[margin]] Dawes. Wm J. [[/margin]]
E. Letter: Requests that Gov't buildings at Pine Bluff be turned over to the Bureau for school purposes. 

Pine Bluff, Ark.
Nov. 17" 1866
(Sgd) Wm J. Dawes
Bv't. Maj. & Capt. V.R.C.

[[margin]] Colby Wm M. [[/margin]] 
Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Jno. Tyler. A.A.A.G. Bureau R.F. & A.L. with request that any unoccupied buildings which the Sup't may select, be turned over to the Bureau for school purposes.

It is believed the appropriation by Congress for Rent and Repairs of School Houses renders any action, relative to repairs unnecessary.

Little Rock Ark.
Nov. 21" 1866
Wm M Colby
Gen'l. Supt. Fr. Schools.  

[[margin]] Tyler John [[/margin]]
Respectfully returned. The desire to have suitable Gov't buildings at Pine Bluff for school purposes is approved, and to obtain them Maj. Dawes will please make the selection and report what buildings are desired for this


purpose, whereupon efforts will be made with the Dep't. Comd'r. to have them turned over.

Bureau R.F & A.L.
For Ark. & Ind. Ter.
Little Rock, Ark. Nov. 24.66
(Sgd) Jno. Tyler
Capt V.R.C. & Maj. 
Vols. A.A.A. Gen'l. 

[[margin]] Scroggins J.H. [[/margin]]
E. Letter: States that planters in his district are disposed to favor the education of the freedmen, and asks authority from the Asst Comr to make contracts stipulating for the maintenance of schools on plantations for the benefit of children of employees.

Office Supt. R. & F.
Hampton Ark.
Nov. 27' 1866.
(Sgd) J.H. Scroggins,
Sup't. Calhoun Co. Ark.

[[margin]] Colby Wm M. [[/margin]]
Respectfully forwarded Maj. Gen'l. E.O.C. Ord Asst. Com. with the recommendation that the authority asked be granted, and with the further recommendation that like authority be given all Sup'ts. in the state. It is believed that such action would result in great good. 

Office Gen'l. Sup't. Schools
Little Rock, Arkansas
December 3rd 1866
Wm M. Colby
Gen'l Supt. Fr. Schools 

[[margin]] Byers T.S. [[/margin]]
E. Letter: Requests the appropriation of thirty six (36) dollars for repairs of school house in which he is teaching.

Pine Bluff, Ark.
(Sgd) T.S. Byers
Teacher of Freedmen

[[margin]] Colby Wm M. [[/margin]]
Respectfully forwarded to Bv't. Maj. Jno. Tyler A.A.A. Gen'l. B.R.F. & A.L. with the statement that the writer of the within application is a recognized teacher of the Bureau at Pine Bluff, occupying the Baptist Church, an open board building