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Respectfully referred to Mr. Wm M. Colby, General Superintendent of Schools, for information whether another fit building can be had. By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen'l  Pird, ass't. comr  
Bureau R.F. & A.L.          
For Ark & Ind. Ter.
Little Rock Mar. 19" 1867
John Tyler
Act'g. Ass't. Adj't. Gen'l

[[left margin]]
Tyler John

Respectfully returned. The within the mentioned building was the only one suitable for a school at the time it was turned over and repaired.
As the erection of a schoolhouse will be commenced as soon as a good title to the suitable ground can be obtained, should the present school house be vacated, I would respectfully ask that authority be given the Sup't. of freedmen to rent another building for temporary occupancy for schools. 
Rev. E.K. Miller ass't Sup't of Schools being on the ground will attend to the necessary details
Office Gen'l Sup't. Schools,
Little Rock, Ark,
March 20' 1867.
Wm M. Colby
Gen'l Sup't Schools, Ark

[[left margin]]
Colby Wm M.

E. Letters: Reports to the coming officer at Ft. Gibson. That a Govt Horse had been shamefully abused by a Wm Colby of the Freedmen's Bureau, in a trip to The Creek agency and return, Horse was ridden in gallop &c.
Fort Gibson C.H.
April 1st, 1867
Signed Thos. C. Williams 
Capt. 19" Inft.

[[left margin]]
William Thos. J.

Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj. E.I.C Ord, U.S. Army, asst. Commissioner R.F. & A.L. Dept. of Arkansas
Hd. Qrs Fr. Gibson C.H.
April 1867 

Pinkney Sugenbiel
Maj 19th Inft.
Com'd'g Post

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Sugenbiel Pinkney


Respectfully referred to Mr. Wm M. Colby Superintendent of Education for the report. This paper to be returned with the report endorsed.
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
The state of Ark.
Little Rock, Ark.
April 9" 1867
By com'd of Col. C.
H. Smith 28" U.S. Inft
Asst. Commissioner
(signed) Jno. Tyler
1st Lt. & A.A.A. Gen'l

[[left margin]]
Tyler Jno

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj. John Tyler A.A.A. Gen'l,  with the subjoined statement: By request of Maj. Cummings, Maj. Sugenbul Post Commandant at Fort Gibson, furnished one horse as stated, to ride to Creek Agency, and also sent a soldier guide to accompany me. We were two-and-a-half hours riding thither- 10 miles- tarried there one-and-a-half-hours, and were at least three hours in return. I had no occasion for haste, generally rode in the rear of the guide, and told him not to hasten. The statement that the horse was "most shamefully abused" while in my charge is certainly erroneous. That "the entire distance from the agency"- with the exception stated- "was ridden at a gallop" is not true; and that "the laws of humanity or any other laws were violated, is positively denied. 
Office Gen'l Supt. schools
Little Rock Ark
April 10" 1867
Wm M. Colby.
Gen'l Supt. Schools

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Colby Wm M.