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[[left margin]] Bennet Jno. E. [[/left margin]]

Respectfully referred to Mr. Wm. M. Colby, Sup't. of Education, for recommendation By Command of Bvt. Brig. Gen'l, C.H. Smith. 

Bu. R.F. and A.L.
for Arkansas
Little Rock, Ark.
May 24" 1867
F. 107

John E. Bennett
1st Lieut. 28" U.S. Inft.
Adj. asst. adj't Gen'l

[[left margin]] Byers T.S.  60 [[/left margin]]
E Letter: Mrs. Byers arrived here last Sabbath under commission from General assembly's Com. on F. M. [[?]] is now engaged in teaching with me. Can I collect actual cost of transportation of children - answer soon. 

Pine Bluff, Ark.
May 23rd 1867

T.S. Byers

[[left margin]] Colby Wm. M. [[/left margin]]

You will please find in the 2nd clause of Circular 3. 1866, forwarded this day to the agent at Pine Bluff for information of yourself & others. The information you desire in regard to transportation of teachers. 
    You will also notice the first clause of the same circular which provides that transportation shall be furnished from Washington 

Office Sup't Educ.
Little Rock Ark. 
May 27" 1867 

Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Educn for Ark.


[[left margin]] Gladwin W.J. [[/left margin]]

Desires to rent freedmen shool house yet to be built at Fort Smith, Ark. for use of M.E. Church, Sundays and nights. 
Agrees to pay $50 per annum in advance. 

Fort Smith Ark. 
May 11" 1869 
Rev. J. W. Gladwin

[[left margin]] Colby Wm. M. [[/left margin]]

Respectfully returned to Rev. W.J. Gladwin with the remark that any action on the within by this department at the present time would be premature, and would be likely to complicate the educational work at that point. 
Office Supt. Educn.
Little Rock Ark.  
May 30" 1867 

WM. M. Colby,
Sup't. Educaction, Ark.

[[left margin]] Colby Wm M. [[/left margin]]

Requests an appropriation from Refuge & freedmens Fund to aid in maintaining schools in destitute localities where the freedmen are not able to render suitable compensation.
Of. Supt. Ed. Little Rock, May 1. 1867 
Wm. M. Colby, 
Supt Education.

[[left margin]] Smith, C.H. [[/left margin]]

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard Commissioner, for his orders in the case. Heretofore no funds for the support of the Bureau have been expended for the payment of teachers' salaries. Many schools can be established that will pay in part provided the deficiency can be paid as within.  In certain localities where we are unable to establish self-sustaining schools, tuition could be graduated according to the ability of the patrons and when an interest is well awakened greater efforts may be put forth and the schools become less self-sustaining. I am satisfied that even a few hundred dollars thus appropriated, would be judiciously expended. 

Bureau R.F. & A.L. for Ark.
Little Rock Arkansas,
May 3rd, 1867 - 

C.H. Smith, Col.
28" U.S. Infantry, Bvt. Brig. Gen.
Asst. Comissioner