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McCullough W.S.
Agent DeVale Bluff
States that one Saunders is desirous of opening a school at that place. Freedmen are unable to pay him enough for board. Requests aid to support teacher in a school to be continued during coming winter.
DeVale Bluff Ark.    (Signed)W.S. McCullough
July 31st 1867                Agent 

Colby Wm. M.   Respectfully returned to W.S. McCullough, agent, DeVale Bluff, Ark. with the remark that no department of the Bureau is authorized to appropriate funds for payment of teachers salaries. Funds are appropriated for rent and repair of school buildings, and transportation in kind is furnished by the Commissioner to the field of such teachers as are approved by the Aid Societies. 
Little Rock, Ark.      We M Colby
Aug. 2nd 1867          Supt of Education 

Colby Wm M. 
Supt of Education
Forwards to Bvt. Col. Henry Page, A.Q.M. & Dist officer vousher for transportation of Alfred White, Lizzie Evans, Maggie Farrar, Dennison Howard, Thomas Nowell, and Emma Carhart, teachers of freedmen, for payment.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt of Education

Page Bvt. Col. Henry
Resp'y returned to W.M.Colby Esq. with the information that the within account cannot be paid except upon the order and approval of the Commissioner. Your attention is invited to cir. No. 22 dated Warsept. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Washington July 1st 1867
Little Rock, Ark.     (Signed) Henry Page
July 26th 1867         Bvt. Col. & A.Q.M.

Transcription Notes:
Make sure you space margins!