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Mix. Lieut E.H.
Agent B.R.F & A.L.
States that the freedmen of that place have from their own contributions erected a school house on land owned by themselves and requests a little pecuniary aid from the Bureau in keeping up the current expenses of the school.
(Signed) Eli H. Mix.
2d Lieut 16th Regt. V.R.C.
B.R.F & A.L.
Osceola. Miss. Co. Ark.
October 3d 1867.
E.B. 89890-.1867.

Colby, W.M.
Supt Education:
Gen'l. C.H. Smith:
Asst. Com.
I have the honor to enclose herewith a communication from Lieut Mix, Agent at Osceola Miss. county, stating that the freedmen there have secured land and erected a school house, and requesting a small sum from the Bureau to aid in maintaining a school.
In cases of this kind the freedmen certainly merit more credit and as much pecuniary aid as in those places where they have quietly waited for grounds to be secured and houses made for them. The communication is respectfully forwarded to the Asst. Commissioner with the recommendation that the sum of $20.0 a month, in some legitimate form, be allowed in this case so long as a school is kept up averaging not less than thirty (30) pupils. — I am. Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
Oct 15th 1867
[[left margin]] E.B. 89 & 90- 1867. [[/left margin]]


Bennett, Jno. E.
A.A.A. Gen'l.
Respectfully returned to W.M. Colby, Supt. of Education, with the information that a monthly appropriation can not be made, but a certain sum, say $200.00 may be appropriated for the interest of the school.
By command of
Bv't. Brig. Gen'l. C.H. Smith
Asst. Commissioner.
(Signed) Jno. E. Bennett
A.A.A. General.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
For. Arkansas.
Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 17th 1867.
E.B. 89 & 90 - 1867.

Colby, W.M.
Gen'l. Supt. of Education
Respectfully returned to Lt. E.H. Mix, Agent at Osceola whose attention is called to endorsement of Adg't General hereon.
Wm M Colby
Supt. of Education
Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock, Ark.
October 19th 1867.
EB. 89 & 90 - 1867.

Jones, James K.
Wants a man teacher for the laborers the ensuring year —one who is not an enthusiast on any subject and will advise the hands to conduct themselves quietly — work well and let politics alone. Will furnish such a teacher comfortable quarters and board. States that he was a devoted follower of Jeff. Davis but is now a loyal citizen of the United States and thinks the negro should be educated