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Bennett, John E.
A.A.A. General
Respectfully referred to Mr. Wm. M. Colby, Supt. of Education.
By command of
Bt. Brig. Gen'l. C.H. Smith,
Bu. R.F.&A.L.          Asst. Commissioner
For Arkansas           (Signed) John E. Bennett
Little Rock, Ark.      A.A.A. Gen'l.
Nov. 4th 1867

S.S. 252-File 242 1867

Shipherd, Rev. J. R.
Secretary A.M.A.
Respectfully returned to Mr. Colby as requested.
If Mr. Jones will guarantee, in a note to this office, a teachers board and thirty dollars a month salary to be paid as the teacher may need it, we will find him a good teacher without much delay.
Rooms Am. Miss. Assc.    Jacob R. Shipherd
Chicago, Ill.            Secretary
November 1st, 1867
E. Setter 85 & 86 - 67 - S.S. 264 - 1867.

Colby, W.M.
Supt. Education
Respectfully returned to Mr. James K. Jones who will observe Mr. Shipherd's proposition endorsed hereon.
Office Supt. Education        Wm. M. Colby
Little Rock, Ark.             Supt. Education
November 11th, 1867.
E. Letter 85 & 86 - 1867 S.S. 267-1867.


Mix Lt. E.H. Agent
Acknowledges receipt of letter with Asst. Com's endorsement. States that a teacher is engaged and wishes to know how the amount appropriated is to be obtained.
Osceola Miss. Co. Ark.  E.H. Mix
November 9th, 1867      Lt. 16th Regt U.R.C.
L.S. 261, 264 E 18 84, 85 - 1867.

Colby, W.M.
Supt. Education
Refers letter of Lieut. Mix asking how the money recently appropriated for the school at Osceola can be obtained.  Mr. Colby suggests that $20. per month as rent be allowed the school until July 1st 1868, provided the school is maintained with a competent teacher and reports duly made.

Office Supt. Education          Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
November 15th 1867
S.S. 261, 264 E.B. 84, 85 - 1867.

Bennett, John E.
Actg. Asst. Adgt. General
Respectfully returned to Lieut. E.H. Mix, Agent at Osceola, Ark. (thru Wm. M. Colby, Supt. of Education) with the information that $20.00 per month will be allowed as rent for a school house at Osceola, which amount will be paid by Henry Page, Disbursing Officer, on presentation