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E. K. Miller
Missionary Supt.
Little Rock, Ark.

Respectfully referred to Rev E. K. Miller, Miss. Supt. Am. Miss. Association for his statement.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education

Little Rock Ark.
January 20th 1868

Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.

In regard to the Special report of Mr. J. L. Thorpe
Agent Bureau R. F. and A. L. at Camden, which was referred to me for my statement I would respectfully submit the following report.

Mr. Wm. H. Purdy, the teacher referred to arrived in this city Dec. 30th and reported to me the following night. I had been notified of this appointment by Rev. Jacob R. Shipherd, Sect. of the Am. Miss. Asson in a letter bearing date Nov. 7th 1867. Mr. Purdy showed me his commission and upon seeing the evidence of his appointment by the society I handed him a letter of introduction to Mr. J. L. Thorp, Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L. at Camden, in which I stated that he came highly recommended from Chicago and I hoped he would prove a worthy and faithful worker. The day after his departure Mr. Wm. M.


Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.

Colby, Supt. Ed., Bu. R.F. & A.L. received a letter from Mr. Shipherd stating that since Mr. Purdy's departure he had received information leading him to fear that Mr. Purdy was not reliable and warning him not to trust him too implicitly as, should he prove unworthy the Association would not assume any debts he might contract in their name. The letter was shown to me as State Agent and caused me to make some inquiries in regard to his conduct while in this city which resulted in my learning from Mr. A. Adams, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel and from his clerk that Mr. Purdy was intoxicated during his stay in this city. Upon learning this fact, I exercised my authority as State Agent for the Association and wrote to him revoking his commission, at the same time giving notice of my action to J. L. Thorp, Agent. My action has been sustained by the Association as I learn by recent advices. The. Miss. Association claims the right through its Agents and secretaries to revoke the commission of any laborers who proves unworthy. The Sect. can not know from personal observation the true character of all applicants for positions