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[[Left Hand Margin]]L.J.Halson Helena Ark.[[Left Hand Margin]]

Respectfully Referred to L.J.Hatson, Agent of Helena, who will hereafter see that papers of the within nature passing through his office, are correctly made out before forwarding the same. 

By command of BO.Brig. Gen'l C. H. Smith
Asst. Comm'r.
(Signed) Jno. E. Bennett
Act'g Ass't [[?]] Gen'l
Little Rock Ark.
April 17th 1868

[[Left Hand Margin]] [?] Headquarters 
Little Rock Ark.[[Left Hand Margin]]

Respectfully returned corrected and signed as directed.
(Signed) L. T. Hatson
Ag't Bur. R. F. + A.L.
Helena Arkansas 
April 20th 1868