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W. W. Granger Actg Ag't 
Little Rock Ark.

E. Letter of F. E. Wright asking for the payment of rent of the M. E. colored church in Little Rock for school purposes. 
(Signed) F. E. Wright 
School Trustee 
3rd Ward. 
Little Rock Ark.
Nov 5, 1868.

Bt. Maj. Gen, C. H. Smith
Asst. Commissioner
Little Rock, Ark. 

Respectfully forwarded to the Asst. Com. for such action so he may deem expedient. Ms. Wright informs me there is not enough available room for the pupils in that ward without another house which can not be built in time for use this reason nor otherwise obtained unless in the way suggested. If so it might be beneficial, if the funds at command will admit, to extend the aid asked for for a limited period till a school house can be built. An indefinite grant might delay the building of a house and for obvious reasons church building should be as little used for schools as possible. 
(Signed) W. W Granger, Agent.
Little Rock Ark. 
Nov 5, 1868. 

Wm. M. Colby 
Supt Education 
Little Rock.

Respectfully referred to Mr. Wm. M. Colby 
Supt. of Education.


By command of 
Bvt Maj. Gen. C. H. Smith, 
Asst. Com.
(Signed) S. M. Mills, 
Lt. 28th Infantry,
A.A.A Gen'l.

Little Rock Ark. 
Nov, 7, 1868. 
Lieut. S. M. Mills
A A A Gen 
Little Rock Ark. -

Respectfully returned with the remark that the 3rd Ward has received aid from the Bureau amounting to nearly $7500.00 and has a school building with accommodations for 250 pupils. It seems just that all claims of this ward for further aid, expect for current repairs on the school building, should be relinquished, for the present at least, in favor of those wards entirely destitute of school houses. 

Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Edn.

Transcription Notes:
Wm. is for William - edited: changes and corrections, its Ark. not AK,