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|   | E. Letter of C.H. Smith, late Asst. Com., Acknowledges receipt of Department orders relieving him from duty.

States that E. G. Barker & D.C. Casey (agents) should be discharged; also C.J. Holt Clerk, etc.
(Sgd) C.H. Smith, Bvt Maj. Gen'l. late Asst. Com.
Little Rock, Ark,
May 8, 1869. |

|   | Continuation -
Respectfully referred to Wm. M. Colby, Supt of Education for Ark, with information that the within named Agents & Clerk have been discharged to date from May 31st. The records may be retained as suggested.
By order of
Bt. Maj. Gen'l O.O. Howard
(signed) E. Whittlesey,
War Dept, Bu. R.F. and A.L.,
Washington May 20, 1869. |

| Col. Henry Page
Agent & D.O.
Little Rock,
Ark. | Continuation -
Respectfully forwarded to Col. Henry Page, Ag't for Payment of Bounties, for his information.
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn.
Office Supt Edn.
Little Rock, Ark.
May 27, 1869 |

|   | Magnolia Ark. -
Feb'y 12, 1869.
E. Letter of Floyd E. Wood, Sch. Dist. Trustee, reports that the appropriation made for the school house at Magnolia was not sufficient to complete the same windows & seats being stioll required which will cost $60.00 Requests that this sum be allowed by the Bureau for the completion of the house.
(s'g'd) Floyd E. Wood
Sch. Trustee. |

|   | Continuation -
Respectfully forwarded to Supt. of Education B.R.F. & A.L. for his action in the premises. Mr. Wood is a responsible man and will carry out faithfully any trust reposed in him.
(sgd) H.A. Miller
Supt. 9" Dist.
Camden, Ark. May 21, 1869 |

| Col. Henry Page
Agent & D.O.
L. Rock, Ark. | Continuation -
Respectfully forwarded to Col. Henry Page late Disb. Officer, with request that he will if convenient furnisjh this office a statement of the expenditures on this building.
Wm M. Colby
Supt of Education
Office Supt. Edn
Little Rock, May 28, 1869. |