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[[left margin]] 
Gen C.H. Howard
Sec'y A.M.A.
Chicago, Ill. [[/left margin]]

E. Letter of W.P. Grace Prest B'd of School Directors Stating that the Board have been using the School house owned by the A.M.A. & desire to continue to occupy the same till Dec. 31, '69. etc
(Sg'd) W.P. Grace
Pres't B'd of School Directs
Pine Bluff Ark.
Oct. 13" 1869.

Respectfully referred to Capt. Wm M. Colby. Can Capt. Colby inform us by whose permission the house was occupied & at what rate of rent. If not can he arrange the rent for us and oblige.
(Sgd) C.H. Howard
Sec'y etc & Agt
B.R.F. & A.L.
Chicago Ill.
October 25, 1869.

Respectfully returned to Gen C.H. Howard Sec'y A.M.A. and Ag't B.R.F. & A.L. Chicago Ill. with the remark that this office had not been advised that the School building at Pine Bluffs


is occupied as above indicated, our only information on the subject being that conveyed in your favor of the 5th inst. The fact of the occupancy of the building must have been intentionally kept from us as the Sec'y of the Board has been met on more than one occasion & school matters canvassed, but no mention made of this fact. It is believed that this office has no control over the question of rent as the case now stands.
Wm M. Colby,
Supt Education.
Little Rock Ark.
Oct. 30, 1869. 

E. Letter of J.M. Brown CQM
Returns to Col H. Page an order for the transportation of Geo. M. Haskell, teacher, dated Feb'y 9, 1867.

The enclosed request for transportation of teacher Geo. M. Haskell, dated Washn Feby 9" 1867, made by Bt Lt Col James M. Moore, AQM USA on U.S. Qr Mr Memphis Tenn., received at this Office this date without letter of transmittal