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Germantown August 12th 1867

Capt A W Bolenius 26
Your letter of a instance is at hand and the contents duly observed
I ask leave to say to you, that the charge against William H Genity late agent 16 of taking up George the child spoken of is not true. From his infancy to the day he was bound to me he has been as well cared for as a large majority of white or black children ever has been and to day is better cared for than Francis Martin is able to do for him whether he is able, or would if he could educate him or not I cannot say. but one thing I do no that he is making a crop with Capt Joseph Willis out of which six hands recieves one fourth which will give him one sixth of one forth & I think he will have as much as he can do to save his bread say nothing of meat.

If the child remains where it is will never receive any education as Golding was very cruel to his former staves and believes that the cold people should remain in darkness.

I pronounce this citation a bare face falshood every word of it 
I have been in pubbick business ever since 1825 & have purchased thousands of Dollars worth of Goods in Philadelphia & New York and no man there or here can give me such a convicton  and told the truth even to a dog let lone a hummanbeing & further there is not a man or woman living or did that ever knew me to be intoxicated let lone getting drunk

I am sorry that the Freedmans Bureau feels called to make an order of this kind on the bare statement of a colored man in the absence of all other proof.

I remain &c
Reuben D Golding

P.S I will let the child go when ever old Frank Martin comes after him. I never did want him bound to me but let it be done to protect him against further cruel rages against him.  RDG

[[margin]] PS I file under obligation to you for a 4 [?]] copy of the charges against me[[/margin]]

Transcription Notes:
his spelling is bad--tried to preserve as instructions state. Did not get to the margin notes and had trouble reading several words.