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we have so much rain, the clover is coming in fast. Laura went through her operation & so far she is doing fine, she displayed lots of courage they say. the Cressies moved last Friday into Evelyn Drakes tenement.

George Rings folks had their sign stolen from their front lawn the other night. a valuable sign & it made her raging mad, so she would'nt go to the shore with his sister the next day, but George went without her & took his vacation & guess he needed one. people pity him but not her. she think everybody is against her, no one seems to like her.

Mrs. Barry is just home from church, & now we have our dinner. string beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, lamb chops, strawberries, & Coffee all I ate for my breakfast was crackers & a cup of milk & didn't want that. my drink is the only thing I really enjoy. theres [[there's]] no draft & my stove smoaks [[smokes]]. I have cleared out underneath the oven, but its the dampness & no air. theres [[there's]] always something to bother in this world if it is'nt [[isn't]] one thing its "tother" as the old woman says.

It has thundered & lightned [[lightninged]], rained a little, it also bids fair to continue still more, if it cools the air & clears the atmosphere no matter. I have had my nap & it is neither one thing nor another. I suppose you folks are riding off to day so hope the weather there is different hope so. Our papers are full of the big wedding. we noticed "Teddies" family did not many of them participate in the 'great event' they are ashamed of them. Ma