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Head Qrs. 2nd Sub Dist. M.D.C.

Summerville. S.C.
Septr 29th 1865

Major Stuart M. Taylor
Ass't Adjt Gen'l

x      x     x
Frequent reports come to me from the neighborhood of Bamberg - in Barnwell District of gross abuse of freedpeople. I am fully aware that the reports of this nature, are not to be taken without careful investigation, but from the attention I have been able to give the subject, I believe the following to be accurate & reliable.

I" An armed patrole of civilians is organized for the summary punishment of negroes.

II" A system of passes, similar to those under the Slave code, is in effect, and a negro found off the plantation, is liable to severe flogging.

III" I am credibly informed and have reason to believe that on Saturday last, three freedwomen on plantations of


Transcription Notes:
[[underscore]] notations removed per SI