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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 11/68 118 | Morrison, James Teacher. | Little Rock Arkansas April 11th 1868 Forwards School report for month of March 1868. 1 Report. |

| April 12/68 119 | Young J.R. * Mayor F. 14 April 1868 L.S. 36 - 1868 | Camden Ark. April 9/68 Reports the action of the Camden City Council upon the project of building a school house for colored children at Camden |

| April 12/68 120 | Farrar, Maggie Teacher | Van Buren Arkansas April 1868 Forwards School report for month of March 1868. 1 Report. |

| April 12/68 121 | Willis. Hiram F. * Agent F. 15 April 1868 | Rocky Comfort Ark. April 5th 1868 Forwards report on education of Refugees and Freedmen for the month of March 1868- Gives some information in regard to the freedmen on the Hawkins plantation - Speaks of the prospect of establishing schools in Sevier county next Fall. 1 Enclosure. |    


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 12/68 122 | Willis Hiram F. * Agent. F. 16 April 1868 | Rocky Comfort Ark April 9th 1868 Forwards copy of school contract made with the freedmen in favor of Mrs. Stewart at White Cliffs near Brownstown Ark. 1 Enclosure. |

| April 13/68 123 | Morgan Wm. Agent | Dardanelle, Ark. April 1st 1868 Forwards report on education of Refugees and Freedmen for the month of March 1868. 1 Report. |

| April 14/68 124 | Watson James T. * Agent F. 17 April 1868 | Helena Ark. April 11/68 Transmits school report for March 1868. 1 Enclosure. |

| April 15/68 125 | Dyer A.S. * Agent F. 18 April 1868 | Little Rock Ark. April 14/68 Forwards report on education of Refugees and Freedmen for the month of March 1868. 1 Enclosure |     

Transcription Notes:
L.R. and L.S. = Letters Received and Letters Sent (looks like an S but it is a L)