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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 20/68 126 | Miller, Rev. E.K. * Asst. Supt. Education F. 19 April 1868 | Little Rock Ark. April 20th 1868 Forwards his narrative report for March 1868. 1 Enclosure |

| April 25/68 127 | Colby, Wm. M. * Supt. Education F. 20 April 1868 E. 29 & 30 1868. | Little Rock Ark. April 17th 1868 Encloses the report of the Helena Union School for March which is without signature and otherwise incomplete, and requests that the Agent at Helena be requested to see that the school reports passing through his hands be correctly filled out before forwarding. 1 Enclosure |

| April 28th/68 128 | Alvord Rev. J.W. * Gen'l Supt. of Sch's. pr. S.W.S. F 21 April 1868 | Washington D.C. April 18th 1868 Forwards report of Pinkney Lugenbeel of Ft. Smith Art., on education of Refugees and Freedmen for March 1868. |

| April 30/68 129 | Habicht, A.E. * Agent, etc. F. 22 April 1868 L.S. 51 1868 | Arkadelphia Ark. April 23rd 1868. Transmits copy of deed to School house site at Arkadelphia For'd by order of Gen'l C.H. Smith to office of Asst. Com. (L.R. 388. 1868) |    


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 1/68 130 | Dickinson, Jas. * Secretary etc. F. 1 May 1868 L.S. 60-1868 L.S. 69-1868 | Richmond Indiana April 26th 1868 States that the committee desire him to apologize for not consulting the Supt. of Education before allowing the Helena school to close, and asks if this neglect will forfeit them the use of the gov't School house the ensuing year. |

| May 1st/68 131 | Watson Jas. T * Agent Etc. F. 2 May 1868 L.S. 90 - 1868 | Helena Ark. Apr. 28/68 Transmits extract of letter from Jas. Dickinson to Calvin Clark stating that the Ex. Com. of Friends will appropriate $1000.00 for a school house and deed one acre of land for a site at the Orphan Asylum near Helena Ark. 1 Enclosure |

| May 1/68 132 | Shipherd, J r. * Sec'y Am. Miss Asson F. 3 May 1868 L.S. 53 & 54 - 1868 | Chicago Ill. April 22nd 1868 Declines, owing to the lateness of the season, sending an ass't. teacher to Camden Ark. | Van Buren Ark. April - 1868 Forwards School report for month of April 1868. 1 Report. |

| May 3/68 133 | Farrar. Maggie Teacher. |   

Transcription Notes:
L.R. and L.S. = Letters Received and Letters Sent (looks like an S but it is a L)