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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 3/68 168 | Butler, E.H. Teacher | Little Rock Ark. June 3rd/68 Forwards reports of Union School for month of May 1868 4 Reports. |

| June 3/68 169 | Scovill James A. * Teacher. F 1 June 1868 | Camden Ark. May 29th 1868 Encloses Reports of freedmen's schools for the month of May 1868. 3 Enclosures. |

| June 3/68 170 | Geisreiter, S. * Agent Etc. F 2 June 1868. | Pine Bluff Ark. June 1, 1868 Forwards report of Schools for the month of May 1868. 2 Enclosures. |

| June 3/68 171 | Geisreiter. S. Agent | Pine Bluff Ark. June 1st 1868 Transmits report on Education of Refugees and freedmen for the month of May 1868. 1. Report. |    


[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 3/68 172 | Mason, Simpson * Agent F 3 June 1868 | Union Fulton Co Ark. May 31st 1868 Reports that he has secured two sites for school houses in Fulton Co., and that there is a lively interest on the subject of Education. School Boards have been appointed who will apply for assistance in erecting school houses. |

| June 4/68 173 | Mix. Eli. H. Agent. | Osceola Mississippi Co. Ark. May 31st 1868 Forwards report on Education of Refugees and freedmen for the month of May 1868. 1 Report |

| June 4/68 174 | Watson. J.T. * Agent F. 4 June 1868 | Helena Ark. June 2nd 1868 Applies for 20 teacher's blanks. |

| June 5/68 175 | Habicht, A.E. * Agent F. 5 June 1868 | Arkadelphia Ark. June 2nd 1868 Transmits School report for month of May 1868. 1 Enclosure. |   

Transcription Notes:
L.R. and L.S. = Letters Received and Letters Sent (looks like an S but it is a L)