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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 19/68 202 | De Wolf, H.C. * Act'g. Agent F 24 June 1868 | South Bend Ark. June 6th 1868 States in reference to Circular letter No. 2 what the prospects are for obtaining school house sites in Arkansas county. |

| June 22/68 203 June 24/68 203 1/2 | Alvord, Rev. J.W. * Gen'l Supt. Sch's F 25 June 1868 (See 248) * F 26 June 1868 | Washington, D.C. June 13th 1868 States that Mr. Colby's Statistical report for March has never been received and requests that the same be forwarded. |

| June 26/68 204 | Geisreiter, S * Agent F. 27 June 1868 | Pine Bluff Ark. June 24th 68 Forwards School report of Mrs. Hitchcock for May 1868 1 Enclosure |

| June 27/68 205 | Miller Rev. E.K. Asst. Supt. Education | Little Rock Ark June 26th 1868 Requests leave of absence for thirty (30) days for the purpose of visiting his home in Wisconsin. |   


[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 27 206 | Gladwin Rev. W.J. E-35-1868. | Batesville Arkansas June 22nd 1868 Asks the privilege of using the Batesville freedmen's School house as a place of public worship. |

| June 27/68 207 | Henly, Sarah Teacher | Little Rock Ark. June 26th 1868 Forwards school report for month of June 1868. 1 Report |

| July 1 '68. 208 | Predmore J.C. Agent | Napoleon Ark. Forwards monthly report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for month of May 1868. (Blank - no date.) 1 Report |

| July 1. '68 209 | Cunningham A.G. * Agent F. 1 July 1868 | Columbia Ark. June 20, 1868. Encloses monthly Report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for month of May 1868. 1 Enclosure |  

Transcription Notes:
L.R. and L.S. = Letters Received and Letters Sent (looks like an S but it is a L)