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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug. 3. 1868. 256 | Brian William * Agent. F. 2 Aug. 1868 | Jacksonport. Ark. July 31. 1868. Forwards Report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for July, 1868. 1 Enclosure |

| Aug. 3. 1868. 257 | Mallett G. W. Agent | Princeton Ark. Forwards Report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for July, 1868. 1 Report |

| Aug. 3. 1868 258 | Day Joseph C. * F. 3 Aug. 1868 | Washington Ark. July 26, 1868. Wants a Commission to teach a freedmen's School. |

| Aug. 3. 1868 259 | Pennewit, George * And others - F. 4 Aug. 1868 | Van Buren Ark. July 18th 1868. Forward copy of deed to two eligible school lots in the city of Van Buren, and petition for an appropriation of funds to enable them to erect a School house thereon. L.R. 388-1868. | 

| Au. 3rd '68. 260 | Branch E. C. * Teacher F. 5 Aug. 1868 | Jacksonport, Ark. July 30th 1868. Gives a full narrative report of his school at Jacksonport for the months of June and July 1868. |     


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 3. 1868 261 | King R. L. E. 42-1868. | Ray's Landing Ark. July 24, 1864. Reports that owing to low stage of the Ark. River which has delayed the transportation of material he finds it impossible to complete the School house at Fort Smith in the time specified in the contract and asks for an extension. |

| Aug. 6. '68. 262 | Williams, Lt. Col. T. C. * Agent. F. 6. Aug. 1868 | Madison, Ark. Aug. 3rd 1868. Forwards Report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for July, 1868. 1 Enclosure |

| Aug. 7" 1868 263 | Mix Eli H. * Agent F. 7. Aug. 1868 | Osceola Ark. July 31st 1868. Transmits Report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen, and monthly report of school at Craighead Point for the month of July, 1868. 2 Enclosures |

| Aug. 7" 1868 264 | Watson J. F. * Agent F. 8 Aug. 1868 | Helena, Ark. Aug. 3rd 1868. Transmits the orphan Asylum School Report for the month of July 1868. 1 Enclosure |     

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