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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 11th 1868 305 | DeWolf H.C. * Pine Bluff L.S. 157 F. 5 Oct. 1868 | Pine Bluff, Ark. Oct 8" 1868. State that his wife will accept the position of teacher in the Pine Bluff School. |

| Oct. 11 1868 306 | Hutchinson W.S. * L.S. 156. F. 6 Oct. 1868 | Clarksville Ark. Oct. 8" 1868. - Wants to know if the freedmen of Clarksville can be aided in establishing a school. |

| Oct. 13th 1868 307 | McCullough W.S. * Agent F. 7 Oct. 1868 | DeVall's Bluff, Ark. Oct. 8" 1868. Forwards report on Education of Refugees etc. for month of Sep. 1868 1 Enclosure |

| Oct 16. 1868. 308 | Branch C.C. * Teacher (Telegram) L.S. 158. F. 8. Oct 1868 | Jacksonport Ark. Oct 16th 1867. Asks if a situation as teacher is still open to him; if so, as what salary, and whether transportation will be given. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 16, 1868 309 | Millen H.A. * F. 9 Oct. 1868 | Eldorado Ark. Oct. 10. 1868. Forwards report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for Sept., and states that while public sentiment is very hostile to freedmen's schools he hopes to establish one by November. 1 Enclosure |

| Oct. 16. 1868. 310 | Shipherd J.R. * Sec'y A.M.A. F. 10 Oct. 1868 | Chicago, Ill. Oct. 9" 1868. States that teachers will be sent forward to points named in statement of Sep. 8" as fast as transportation can be secured from Washington and that Mr. Lymon and Miss Getman will leave for respective fields Oct. 13th. Further states that coöperation with state authorities is in accordance with their plans and in the absence of their agent authorizes the Supt. of Education to act in their behalf. |

| Oct. 16. 1868. 311 | Geisreiter S. * Agent F. 11. Oct. 1868 | Fountain Hill Ark. Oct. 12. 1868 Forwards report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for month of Sep. 1868. 1 Enclosure |