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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purpose of Letter |

|   |   | and asks that said sum be granted for the purpose and paid to such teachers only as hold commission from the benevolent associations or from the Supt. of Education, at rates not exceeding $80.00 per month for male and $55.00 a month for female teachers.
(signed) W.M. Colby
Little Rock, Ark.   Supt.Ed.
Oct 29" 1868 |
|   |   | {Respectfully forwarded to Maj. 
{Gen. O.O. Howard Commissioner 
{with request that definite 
{instruction to be given as to the means 
{and manner of paying teachers.
[[margin note indicating previous sentence]]
[[/margin note indicating previous sentence]]

The funds set apart for school purposes are to be used in building renting or repairing school houses. As the Bureau has already built school houses at the several points where it is desired to send teachers none of these funds can be used to defray expenses without Special authority. The Supt. of Education has made application to have Mr. James O. Lyman, a Missionary teacher, assigned to Ft. Smith with pay at the rate of $80.00 per month and Miss  D.F. Getman assigned to Pine Bluff with pay at $50.00 per month. The letter of Oct. 6th referred to within is quite silent on this point. All the suggestions contained therein will be promptly carried out if the means are supplied. I respectfully request to be more fully informed what the intention or wishes of the Commissioner may be that I |


[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purpose of Letter |

| Nov. 18. 1868. 353 | Witter S. F. * Teacher F. 14 Nov. 1868 | Republic, Ohio. Nov. 9" 1868. States that he will report to Supt. at Little Rock as soon as some of the party who have been sick are able to travel. |
| Nov. 18, 1868  354. | Walker Hodges * L.S. 187. F. 15. Nov. 1868 | Camden, Ark. Nov. 18. 1868.  Requests that a teacher be sent as soon as possible to conduct the colored school at Camden. If one is not sent soon requests the use of the new school house for his daughter temporarily. |
| Nov. 20. 1868.  355 | Watson J.S.  * Agent  F.16 Nov. 1868 | Helena, Ark. Nov. 16, 1868 Transmits school report of Asylum School for October, 1868. 1 Enclosure |
| Nov. 20, 1868.  356 | Hand Pamdia A. * Teacher  L.R. 357-  F. 17  Nov. 1868 | Batesville Ark. Nov. 18. 1868. States that she is commissioned by the A.M.A. to teach the freedmen's school at Batesville Ark. Finding the school house unsupplied with necessary furniture-- table, chairs, brooms, etc. requests that the same be furnished.

Transcription Notes:
√Finished, but still a few [[?]] and best guesses here and there where I can't make out a word.