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| 1870 March 15. 59 | Blackwood Jno. O. | Osceola Miss Co Ark  March 8" 1870.  Has information that certain parties in Memphis hold the missing order drawn in his favor by this office and sent by mistake to J.M. Jones, and suggests that both orders be consigned to same parties to facilitate payment. |   | Office Sup’t Education  L. Rock Ark  March 15,‘70. Respectfully returned to Jno. O. Blackwood Osceola, Ark with the explanation that the P.O. order returned by him was in favor of J.M. Jones and the one sent Jones was in favor of Blackwood.  Jones has been requested to return the order to this office that the error may be rectified, but the arrangement spoken of within would answer as well.  A new order was sent Jones in place of the uninitiated one.  Wm. M. Colby  Sup’t. Education  Office Supt Education |

| March 15 60 | Balloch Gen Geo.W. C.D.O. Bu R.F. & A.L. * F 16 March 1870 | Washington DC March 5th 1870.  Encloses check #8588 for two hundred Sixty five & 42/100 dollars ($265.42) to pay for the following vouchers: 
Richard Bragg   off Rent $ 20.00 
M. J.G Colby.   Clerk      75.00 
Wm M Colby   Supt. Ed.    170.42 
                         $265.42 |   |   |

| March 15 61 | Alvord Rev. J.W. Genl Supt. Education * F 17 March 1870 L.S. 88. | Washington DC March 5" 1870.  Requests a list of School which have been compelled to suspend during the past year for want of means, with location as near as may be.|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Ed. J. M. Jones - not J. No. Jones.