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| March 21 68 | Grey Wm H. * F. 22 March 1870. | Helena Ark. March 15, 1870. Encloses John Lee's bill for repairs on Helena School house, and states that the school Board do not occupy the building. | | Office Supt Education L Rock Ark., Apr. 11, 1870. Bill respectfully returned for Mr. Lee's Signature.  Wm M. Colby Supt Edn | 

| March 21 69 | Henderson E.E. Supt. 5th Dist. * F. 23. March 1870. | Fayetteville Ark. March 16th 1870. Encloses school report of Dora Ford for February 1870. 1 Enclosure |   | |

| March 21 70 | Branch E. C. * Teacher F. 24. March 1870. | Jacksonport Ark. March 18, 1870. Forwards school Report for January 1870, and states that he received the impression from Parson Gillen that no more allowances would be made for rent. Reports will hereafter be on time. |   | |