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Office Bureau R.F. & A.L.
ARkadelphia March 8th, 1867

The house you examined for a school while here I am sorry to say has by the heavy rains, snow and winds been blown down and now is not fit for repairs, as the timbers were old and now mostly broken.
The Freedmen have there fore determined to rent a house situated at the edge of town, (a large airy house and would be well adapted for the purpose. They have contributed some ($50.) dollars, which with the allowance by the Asst. Commr ($91) and they doing the labor will very near put up a good new house.
The Freedmen are very anxious that the school be started and have requested me to have the teacher (male if possible) here as soon as possible, the building they propose to rent will hold and and seat some 60 or 70 scholars and all that is required are seats and desks which can be made and put in in three days.
Please let me know your opinion about building, or whether they shall rent the building and how long it will be before they can expect a teacher.
I remain
Very Respectfully

Transcription Notes:
edited: filled in blanks