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                     Office B. of R. L. & A. S.
                         Fort Smith Ark.
                                March 8th, 1867

Wm. M. Colby
   Genl. Supt. Schools Ark
            Little Rock Ark.
        I have the honor to transmit herewith
School Reports of Mrs. Brott and Austin
Thomas: Also to acknowledge the recept of
your communication dated Little Rock. Ark.
March 1st 1867.
   School reports for January were duly
forwarded. I forward herewith, duplicate copies [[strikethrough]]
of January reports.
   Austin Thomas is a colored man
and has quite a full school.
                 Very Respectfully
                    Your Obt. Servt.
                    Chas N Banzhaf
                      Agent. B. of R.F. & A. L.
                      J.A. Hammersly