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though I find it taxes my physical powers to their utmost capacity, and with the dangers incident to a change of climate I feared I might not be able to continue both schools, but happily my health seems rather to improve than otherwise.

But I do not wish to trouble you with a long letter, and in conclusion will add that the new school building will be completed in time for the next term, for the present I am teaching in the Baptist church a building quite dilapidated in deed, but it answers our purpose very well. It was taken by order of Col Mulligan, as the man who claimed control of it refused to rent it, saying he would burn it before we should have it for any purpose.

I had almost forgotten to give you the textbooks I have adopted Spelling, Webster. Reading McGuffey. Arithmetic, Ray's  Geography Monteith. It seems to me that it would be desirable to have a uniform series of books in all the schools; having no instructions I adopted the works most easily obtained. I would like very much to have McGuffey's charts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for beginners, but I cannot procure them here.

In conclusion I beg leave to tender my grateful acknowledgements to Col Mulligan, Maj Thibaut and Maj J T. Watson, the present supt of the Bureau for the prompt assistance in organizing the school and