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Hot Springs Arkansas May 18 1867
To the Agent of Freedman & Abandoned Lands
State of Arkansas

We the undersigned Colored Men Citizens of the town of Hot Springs County of
Hot Springs & State of Arkansas hereby respectfully request that a school Teacher be furnished us during the Summer Months as this is a population of at least
one hundred and fifty in this town and this for we have had an agent and we only ask that a Teacher be furnished us whom we can rely upon. We are willing to conform to any rules for the support or pay of said teacher and only ask that we receive an equal share of the privileges
alowed the Colored People by the [[M. J. Goch?]]

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Names | Names |
| --- | --- |
| Thomas [[Baf?]] |   |
| C [[Mufey?]] |   |
| B Baker |   |
| H Honey |   |
| F [[Kuton?]] |   |
| I [[strike through]][[J?]][[/strike through]] [[Menhoe?]] |   |
| P [[Colecl?]] |   |
| H Lo[[onber? |   |
| B Willames |   |
| F Peters |   |
| H Robinson |   |
| [[Lomidese Baf?]]