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Of Aug 25, 1866 - I find a request there for the names of teachers with the Branches they are expected to teach and I herewith send a list, we did not expect any of our Teachers to teach the higher 
branches though we believed them to be well qualified to do so -

Little Rock
E. M. Butler - To teach Normal School if opportunity occur & 
L. B. Butler Act as Agent, & teach in any common school
J. Pickering  } Primary departments
J. H. Henley  } including reading, writing, Elementary Arithmetic and primary geography

Asylum Helena
Eliza Clark  } To stay the school
Lizzie Evans } year leaving one
Almira King  } of their number in
Alfred White } the institution

Mary Jane Edwards } To stay the
Lizzie Edwards    } school year till June 
M. E. Stuart      } or July it its hard to stay

We believe all the teachers at Helena thorougly competent to teach any class if colored people - 

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