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Pope County Arkansas
Lyman Po. Ark  November 30th 1868
Hon Wm M Colby In accordance with a letter written by West Stuart circuit superintendent of Public instruction 6th Judicial circuit. To Lieut W H Hickox Clerk of the County of Pope which he sent to me Wm P Carpenter Trustee of District No 13 Pope County Arks with instructions to buy one acre of land to be deeded to me as Trustee of Sally Rock Township District No 13. Which I have complied with. I have selected it in a large neighborhood of Freedman. We can raise a school numbering one Hundred and Twenty five within 4 miles and I was also instructed to make application to you for money to be appropriated to build a School House for the use and benefit of the Freedman in Pope County Arkansas. I purchased the Land for Ten Dollars for which I gave my note --- we are all deeply interested in the education of the Freedman we therefore beg of you for aid and assistance to build said School House
Your Obt Servt
Wm P Carpenter