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Clarksville Arks
Feb the 16th AD1869

Mr Wm M Colby
Superintendant of Education Sir W. Lewis Prince Wm Griffith David Gosset Arnold Blackburn and Roland Crawford a School Board of five Colored Citizens of Johnson County Arks Would Respectfully ask the Assistant Commissioner Genl C.H. Smith through you for aide in building a School House We have procured the title to one acre of land and have it under a Rail fens we have Succeeded in procuring laborer and money enough to build the fundation and get the Sils & Slepers placed on the foundation.  We have money enough to pay the Carpenter for putting up the building and this is all we are able to do
Our design for building is 36 by 24 feet Ceiling 12 feet pitch of Roof 6 feet projection of eaves 3 feet
[[two columns]]
| --- | --- |
| Plates 2 pieces 2 by 6 inches 36 feet long | 72 feet |
| Ceiling joist 12 pieces 2 by 8 inches 24 feet long | 384 feet |
| Rafters 26 pieces 3 by 8 inches 12 feet long | 936 feet |
| Roof boards | 1200 feet |
| Flooring | 1200 feet |
| Siding | 2400 feet |
| Finishing Stuff for doors & Window frames | [[underlined]] 2500 feet [[/underlined]] |
| Base Battens &c | 93.02 |
| At 30 Dollars per thousand will cost | @278.00 |
12000 Shingles at 8 Dol per thousand | 96.00 |
| 5 Doors | 40.00 |
| 7 Windows | 50.00 |
| 7 Kegs Nails | 60.00 |
| 21 Double Desk & Seats | 160.00 |
| Teachers Desk and Furniture | 100.00 |
[[/two columns]]