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No 819 - Know all men by these presents that we John J. Gibbons and Jane J. Gibbons his wife of the county of Perry in the state of Arkansas in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars to us in hand paid by the Trustees of school Township of Perry Township to wit Peter Wilson William Cody Alfred Carter of said Township of Perry and County of Perry State of Arkansas the receipt whereof is hereby acknowleded do hereby grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Peter Wilson William Cody and Alfred Carter School Trustees for Perry Township Perry County Arkansas and their Successors in Office the following described tract or parcel of land to wit One acre of the South west corner of South west quarter of the South west fractional quarter. Sec "18" of Township Five (5) Range fifteen (15) west for the use benefit and behoof of the Freedmen of said Perry Township Perry County for a site for a school house.  To have and to hold the afore granted premises to the said Peter Wilson William Cody and Alfred Carter Trustees as afore said and their successors in Office in fee simple for ever and we the said John J. Gibbons and Jane J. Gibbons his wife for ourselves our heirs executors and administrators do covenant with the said Peter Wilson William Cody and Alfred Carter and their successors in Office as Trustees aforesaid that we are lawfully seized in fee of the afore granted premises  that they are free from all encumbrances that we have a good right to sell and convey the same to the said Peter Wilson William Cody and Alfred Carter