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Office Circuit Superintendent Public Instruction,
8th Judicial District, Arkansas, 
Arkadelphia, May 10th 1869

Gen. C. H. Smith
Chief Supt of Schools &c

I have the honor to enclose herewith my Report as Asst Supt of Schools B.R.F. & A.L. 3rd Dist of Arkansas, for the month of April 1869.

As no letters of transmittal were received from the teachers I have nothing to submit in the shape of a narrative report.  

I regret this the more as this is probably the last report I shall make in an official capacity, And in closing my connection with the work I very much desired to be able to make a full and complete Report. Sincerely regretting my inability to make such report

With high regard I remain
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
D. C. Casey,
Asst supt Schools 3rd Dist