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at ~ to be used for school purposes by the Freedmen, you will be particular in itemizing the articles, such as, so many feet of lumber at ~ per hundred or thousand, so many pounds of nails at ~ per pound, instead of lumber and nails so much, (write in the number as well as put it in figures,). In case the Voucher is made in favor of a second party, it will be necessary for him to annex to the Voucher, sub-vouchers from the party or parties, who did the work, or furnished the material, these sub-vouchers to be receipted by the party or parties themselves and not per ~ clerk. When a number of men are employed, a pay roll should be made out, each one receipting for the money paid him, if any sign by mark, the same must be witnessed. The Government does not pay for fractions of days. When persons work by the day all over. $ 3 20/100 is taxable, and amount of tax should be deducted. You can use the same Vouchers that you are paid on by altering the certificate somewhat. In paying vouchers for services all over $ 83 33/100 per Mo is taxed 5 percent, which tax is 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: filled in blanks