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deducted on the face of the Voucher as shown on Form for your pay. I enclose you a small supply of blanks, and will send you more
soon. The blanks to be used in paying rent of school houses, are so simple you will have no trouble on that score. These will also be certified to by you, and receipted by the party of whom the building is rented. If a Society owns the house, and the Voucher is made in favor of the same, it will be necessary that a Certificate signed by the President and Secretary in proper offices be forwarded to this office for file, you keeping a copy of the same, showing that so and so is authorized to receive and receipt for monies for said association or Society and also that
you add to the certificate, " was necessary for the public services", and that ~~ is authorized to receive and receipt for the same. You will also forward monthly a consolidated report of Persons and Articles hired (see Form 2 Aug regulations) In the forms filled out I have put in amounts simply to show how I want the Vouchers, when forwarded for payment.

Respectfully Yours,
Geo. W. Balloch
Brt Brig Genl and Chf DO.