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A 26. E.D. Vols. 1869
Little Rock, Ark.
May 7th 1869
A 139 RF & AL Vol 14, '69
L.R. 95 O.S.E. Ark. 1869.

Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education

States that he is desirous of making two trips in the interest of schools, one to Clarksville on the Arkansas River, stopping at 2 or 3 intermediate landings and another to Monroe, Jackson, and Independence Counties on the White River. and, if the stage of the water will permit, to Pocahontas on the Black river.
As Gen Smith the Asst. Comm. has been relieved, desires instructions from the proper officer at Washington, D.C. 

Recv'd back O.S.E. Ark.
May 24. 1869. –
Recd Ed. Dept. May 14 '67

RECD May 17 1869 [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
edited although it looks like it says 1867 for date received back, it must be 1869