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Vicksburg May 25th 1869
W.W. Colby
Supt Education

Dear Sir
Your favor of the 20th inst with Voucher is received: & Vouchers here with returned.  I am anxious to avail myself of these funds as soon as possible;  but more especially to secure the State funds for all our Schools. A letter from Mr. Hughes of Camden informs me that his School & the one at Washington have not been taken up by the State. Our Schools will close the last of June, & I am afraid the year will slip by & the teachers fail to get their pay, & fall back upon the Association for all their Salaries & expenses.  If you can aid in pushing the matter forward, so that the State funds can be paid over to them before they leave, you will do us a favor.
I suppose the Sectr. of A.M.A. have complied with the requirements of Circular No 3 from War Department.  In transmitting your accounts to Washington, I suppose you will notify the D.O. where to send his check for the Amount due.
Yours Truly   J.P. Bardwell
Agt A.M.A.

Transcription Notes:
A.M.A. is American Missionary Association J.P. Bardwell - many things online with reference to him.