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information by T.E. Hughes who spent last year South teaching I take the liberty to address you, By answering the following questions. at your earliest convenience. you will greatly oblige me. Are you in want of teachers. & could or or would the Bureau furnish transportation. What wages are you paying? & any other item you might think of pertaining thereto. Also the qualifications ne for to teach South. I am a novice in teaching yet having a musical spirit there if I could succeed. A friend of mine Miss Evans. desires to go south to teach. She has been in Austin Texas two years teaching the Freedman. But had rather not go so far again. Wished me to ask you if she could get a situation under the auspices of the Bureau in Little Rock. My mother is opposed to my going south. But thereof if I hear anything favorable I shall go. Miss E & myself would like to come together. I understand vocal Music. perfectly & Instrumental indifferently.

Hoping to hear from you soon I am
Truly Yours
Please Address. Mis N.M. Gladwin
Columbus, Wis 
Bol. 14-