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American Missionary Association,
38 [[strikethrough]] 26 [[/strikethrough]], Lombard Block,
George Whipple,     } New York.
Michael E. Strieby, } 
Charles H. Howard, Dist. Sec'y, Chicago. 
Chicago, Oct 5 1869.

Capt. Wm M. Colby
Supt &c.
Little Rock Ark,

Dr Sir:
Yours 24s I find unanswered. I wish if you have not you would forward a list of places where you want teachers & the kind wanted at once. I have only assigned two one for Fayetteville & one for Van Buren - Mr. & Mrs. Hughes may yet decide to go to Camden but it is doubtful. Dr. Sears seems willing to aid a normal school - I shall go forward, I think, with the foundation of one at Pine