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One Circuit Superintendent Public Instruction, 
9th Judicial District, Arkansas, 
Camden, Dec 28 1869

Wm M. Colby Esq
Supt Education B.R.F & AL
Little Rock Ark.
Dear Sir
I have Just received a communication from B.F McClelland Esq Teacher in the colored school at Lewisville. Mr. M- referring to his pupils, uses this term - "My Nigs" referring to his School "Lewisville Nigger School" I returned his letter with the following endorsement. "Office Cir Supt 9th Jud'l Dist Camden Arks Dec 28th 1869
Respectfully returned to B.F. McClelland 'Referring to your pupils as "My Nig's" and your school as the "Lewisville Nigger