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Rooms of the Board of School
Directors of the School Distrcit 
of Little Rock Jany 5th 1870

Wm M Colby Esq

[[inserted page - see footnote]]

Enclosed find a copy of a resolution passed at the last meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board desires to obtain complete control of the Union School Building and grounds, in order that they may controll any occupants which may be placed there. Please state wether or not such controll can be had, and for what length of time, and on what terms, and such other information as you may deem best to communicate to the Board. 

 It has been deemed impossible to enforce the rules and regulations of the Board in schools which are not fully in controll of the Board. 
An early answer is desired.
By order of the Committee
M L Andrews
L.W. Armstead

[[footnote - inserted page - partially obscured]]
Resolved, That the Board will not hereafter pay or employ, any teachers who recognize any authority for the order of their schools other [ink stain] this Board and the Comm [ink stain] on teachers and schools ordered to enquire into [ink stain] report of the [ink stain] over of the Union School building to Wm Colby, and if they cannot obtain the free and unobstructed use of the Union School building, that the be instructed [remainder illegible]]
[[end footnote]]