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Washington Ark.
Jany. 9th 1870.

Mr W.M. Colby.

Dr sir,
Permit me in behalf of Mrs Stuart to adress you in regard to one free school at this place. At our anual school meeting at this place, Held 3rd Saturday in Dec. last. There was nothing done except the electing of a Trustee. He is a colloured gentleman after which the meeting ajourned. No provisions made for anything else. Mrs Stuart is teaching a pay scool at the Lincoln Academy. Has only 26 students. There are two parties of the Negroes one for her, the other against her. One party claim that they as trustees have the right to controll the building. Some are trying to brake down her school, I have learned that they are useing the House for public festivels, Parties &c, and that they have abused the furniture & done considerable damage, Mrs S. has appealed to some of her own party for protection & assistance. All of which is disregarded. The result is, that she has the sympathy of some of the southern people.

Mrs  S. is a lady. Has so conducted herself here, and respected as such by her Associates & Acquaintances.