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Office Circuit Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Eight Judicial District of Arkansas.
Arkadeplhia, Ark. February 2nd 1870.

Hon Wm. M. Colby.
Supt Education BRF and A.L.
Little Rock Ark.

Dear Sir

I have the honor to forward herewith a copy of the report of Miss P.A. Holmes, the original of which is now on file in this office.

This is the only school for freedmen, within my knowledge no in operation in this Judicial District. The school is rapidly increasing in numbers and an additional teacher will probably be employed on Monday. I am informed by the School Board that they intend paying Miss Holmes $133.33/100 per month and I have so reported.

Very Respectfully
Your obt svt

D.C. Casey
Circuit Supt 8th Dist Ark