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L.R. 88 OSE Ark 1870
Washington D.C.
March 30, 1870.

Balloch Geo. W.
Bt. Brig. Gen. & C.D.O.

Encloses Check # 8781 to pay the following: -
Robt Conley $10.00
Robt Conley 10.
Robt Conley 10.
Levi T. Fulton 10
Levi T. Fulton 10.
A. J. Roberts 10.
H. A. McAllaster 10.
M. J. Johnson 10.
M. J. Johnson 10.
Jas. W. Mason 10.
Rich'd Bragg 20.
Mrs. J. G. Colby 75.
Wm. M. Colby 170.42
$ 365.42

Rece'd OSE Apr. 8 1870

Transcription Notes:
Edited: 'do' used like ditto marks, Wm. is for William, not a table just a list, OSE is Office Superintendent of Education The year at the very top was covered, so I assumed it was the same date mentioned in the third line.