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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Office Chief Disbursing Officer,
Washington, D.C., March 30th 1870

Wm. M. Colby Supt of Ed
Little Rock, Ark. 

Sir, Enclosed please find my Check #8481 on
Asst Treas New York for Three hundred sixty five 42/100 dollars to pay following vouchers Viz

Robt Conly Sh & Assy 10.00
Robt Conly Sh & Assy 10.00
Robt Conly Sh & Assy 10.00
Levi T. Fulton Sh & Assy 10.00
Levi T. Fulton Sh & Assy 10.00
A J. Roberts Sh & Assy 10.00
H A McAllister Sh & Assy 10.00
M. J. Johnson Sh & Assy 10.00
M. J. Johnson Sh & Assy 10.00
Jas W Mason Sh & Assy 10.00
Richd Bragg Off Rent 20.00
M J G. Colby Clerk 75.00
Wm M. Colby supt of Ed 170.42
Total $365.42

Very Respectfully
Geo W. Balloch
Bvt Brig Genl & C.D.O.
per B. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Wm is for William, Viz means namely, not a table, just a list, 'do' used like ditto marks, Geo is for George Noticed that the sum total of 365.42 doesn't seem to add up unless the 4th monetary amount is 150. What is written does not appear so, but I am unsure as to what is written there.