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Rocky Comfort - Ark
April 11th, 1870

W. M. Colby      }
Little Rock Ark. }

Dear Sir:
In accordance with instructions of yours of the 31st March 1870, in reply to my communication of 21st March relative to obtaining aid for the building of a first class Freedman's school house at this point I have the pleasure to enclose you the required Deed. If I have not proceeded correctly in the premise you will please correct me. I hope also that I am in time to get the needed aid.
Mr. A. M. Hawkins & Co. builders & architects of this place estimate the cost for a first class house at two thousand five hundred dollars, or thereabouts. There will be but little aid from the Freedmen to build the house, but I can get them to improve the grounds & put a suitable fence around it.  Owing to the Construction of Public building for the county our taxes are very heavy & the citizens levied a tax of one per'ct. only for this year & moved the schools to be conducted for five months. The amount I have been compelled to-