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extend in building & fitting up school houses for both freedmen & whites will leave me but little if any funds from the public school fund. I will appropriate however as much of it as I can towards it. I find since I last wrote you that the freedman's school in Red River Bottom has grown to such proportions that I will be compelled to put on an addition to the house they now occupy and in the summer to build them a larger house. This of course will diminish the amount still more of the public funds for this place & with the view of the heavy history period before me I am compelled to ask you to assist me all you can in getting us large amounts for the houses here as you can.
The site I have selected is the most beautiful adjoining the Village, over looking it completely a high dry gravely ridge & can if necessary add another acre.  Hence the desire to leave a neat house puts on it -
I am Sir Very Respectfully,
Your obdt. Servant 
W. H. Hawkins