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We have passed 360 Orphans and destitute children through the Asylum placing them to suitable homes restoring some to long lost parents and Relations.  Except twenty of the brightest, & most promising that we have retained to be Educated preparatory to becoming Teachers.  Three of these have already taught some, and all are making satisfactory progress in their studies, and will be competent by the time they are old enough, and as the needs for an asylum has passed away, Friends of Indiana Yearly Meeting design to make it a permanent first class Normal Educational Institution so far as their means will enable them but at present it is impossible for them to aid in the erection of this greatly needed school building.  We have five young men & women boarding here from distant neighborhoods qualifying for Teachers.  As we conduct the whole concern on the Industrial system, we board at the low price this year of Two dollars per week.  In order to inshure success in rearing & training suitable Teachers among themselves they need to be taken entirely away from all the demoralizing & immoral influences of Plantation life & the old Slave habits, superstitions_traditions &c &c.