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Jacksonport Ark.
May 16th 1870

Hon. W.M. Colby
Supt of Education
Little Rock

Dr Sir
I have just returned from official duties in the country & found your letter also vouchers for March. I made my March reports & accompanied them with receipts signed. Enclosed please find Mc'Coys Recpts. The schools of Jacksonport will not be reopened before the Fall term. I know of no opening in this section suitable for the young man you spoke of. It is very sickly here at present, Pneumonia, and measles sweeping almost the entire population. The former proves fatal in almost every instance.

Severe sickenss in Col. Pattersons family has prevented him from executing the proper papers for the school site. A splendid location has been selected and the purchase money raised. Will you please urge forward money on vouchers, as I am greatly in need. I fear the taking of Census will prevent my attending the Teachers Association in July which I exceedingly regret. Please give kind regards to Hon. L.N. Pears

Very Respectfully & Truly Your Obt. Servt.
E.C. Branch

Transcription Notes:
there is a section that has water damage and is nearly unreadable. Perhaps someone with some mad skillz can tackle it. Challenge accepted