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American Missionary Association, 
38 Lomard Block, 

Treasury Department.
Edgar Ketchum - New York.
Ass't Treasurers 
William E. Whiting, New York. 
Selden N. Clark, - Chicago. 

Chicago, July 6 1870 

Capt WM Colby 
Supt of Education 
Little Rock Ark 

Dear Sir
Your favors of June 28th and July 1st are rec'd. You ask me to indicate our first and second choice of three proposed sites at Little Rock. Regarding the third - 80 acres &c - the information is rather indefinite. However if the cost of the unfinished building will not be too great, and if the building can be adapted to school purposes, that site will be our first choice on account of the amount of land, which would be sufficient to enable many of the pupils from a distance to earn at least a portion of their expenses. Of the other two sites the one offered by the city - the 4½ acres. 

Secetary Whipple was here yesterday and I advised with him in reference to the matter. He has written the Commissioner asking that the appropriation for Pine Bluff be transferred to Little Rock I think that can be arranged. I agree with you